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Parent-Teacher Conferences

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2024 Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming!

This year, Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates/times:

  • Monday, November 25th: 11:00am - 7:00pm
  • Tuesday, November 26th: 7:00am - 3:00pm

Parent-Teacher Conference sign-ups are live in ParentVUE as of Monday, November 11th.

Sign-ups will close on Friday, November 22nd

Below are some frequently-asked questions regarding Parent-Teacher Conferences and scheduling:

  • Are Parent-Teacher Conferences mandatory?
    • Parent-Teacher conferences are not mandatory; however, we encourage all parents/guardians to reach out and connect with their student's teachers if their student is struggling or if there are any questions or concerns! Parents/guardians can reach out to their student's teachers through ParentVUE at any time. 
  • Will all of my student's teachers be at my student's conference at the same time?
    • No - Parent-Teacher Conferences at the high school level are scheduled differently than middle school or elementary school in that you will be scheduling individual,  separate 20-minute conferences with each teacher that you wish to meet with. For example, if your student currently has 7 classes and you want to meet with all 7 teachers, you would need to schedule 7 20-minute conferences - and that's a lot of time to spend here! We recommend checking your student's grades in ParentVUE, speaking with your student about how they are doing in their classes, and making a list of what teachers you want to meet with prior to logging on to ParentVUE and selecting conference times. 
  • What if my student is doing really well in all of their classes? 
    • If your student is doing well in all of their classes and there aren't any questions or concerns, then you may not find it necessary or beneficial to meet with your student's teachers - and that's ok! You are always free to reach out to them through ParentVUE and check in or ask any questions you might have. 
  • What if we are going to be out of town/unavailable but I want to connect with my student's teacher(s)? 
    • There are not going to be any make-up dates for Parent-Teacher Conferences; however, all teachers are able to be reached through ParentVUE to schedule a parent phone call on another date!
  • What if I missed the sign-up window, but I still want to attend conferences? 
    • The only way to get reserved times with your student's teachers is to sign up in ParentVUE prior to November 22nd. If you were unable to schedule conferences, our teachers will have chairs outside of their classrooms for parents to sit and wait for an opening in between their pre-scheduled conferences. Please understand that we cannot guarantee that any/all of your student's teachers will have openings for walk-in conferences. If you were unable to schedule conferences or attend a walk-in conference, you can reach out to your student's teachers through ParentVUE and request a parent phone call for a later date. 
  • How do I sign up?
    • Conferences are scheduled via ParentVUE (the same system used for registration each school year). If you were not the registering parent/guardian and do not currently have access to ParentVUE, call Student Services at (541)842-3690 to request an activation key. Activating your ParentVUE account gives you access to your student's progress report grades, final grades, daily/period attendance, view your student's schedule, connect with your student's teacher's via email, and review your student's course requests in the spring.  
    • Click here to be taken to the Medford School District's webpage with enrollment instructions, which includes instructions on how to get started with ParentVUE. 

When the scheduling window has opened (Monday, November 11th), follow the below steps to schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences: 

- Either open the ParentVUE app on your phone or click here to go to the ParentVUE Login Page and log in. If you are using the app, conference availability can be accessed by selecting "Conference" and then "Parent-Teacher Conferences".


- If you are using the ParentVUE website instead of the app, please note that you will not be able to schedule conferences if you are using the Safari browser (Apple's internet browser). When you log in to ParentVUE, you may be taken to one of your student's screens as opposed to the main menu. If this happens, you will need to click the "Go Back" arrow button up on the upper left corner of the screen (next to your student's photo) to go back to the main menu and find the "Conference" button. After clicking "Conference ", you will NOT need to click "Parent-Teacher Conferences" - the website will automatically take you to the correct screen.

- You will then be taken to a list of all of your student's teachers. Click the name of the teacher who you wish to schedule a conference with. 

- You will then be taken to a screen that shows all of the available and unavailable conference times for the teacher you have selected. The gray boxes are time slots that have already been taken. The blue boxes are time slots that are available for you to select. Find an available time slot that works for your family, and then click on the corresponding blue box to select that time. That box will then change from blue to purple. If you accidentally click a time that doesn't work for you - that's ok! Just click that boxRemember that this is only securing that time slot for that particular teacher. Once you have clicked the conference time that you want with that teacher, Synergy will send an email to the email address on file confirming the details around the conference that you have selected. 

- If you wish to schedule a conference with another one of your student's teachers, you will need to go back to the screen that lists all of your student's teachers and go through the same steps to find and secure a different conference time with that individual teacher. 

- If you need to cancel or re-schedule a scheduled conference, go back in to ParentVUE > Conference > Parent-Teacher Conference, select the teacher that you need to cancel/re-schedule, locate your scheduled time (the purple box), and click it. That will un-select that time and it will change that box back from purple to blue. You will receive another automated email from Synergy indicating you cancelled that time. You can then select a new time, if desired. 

- You can view your list of scheduled conferences at any time by logging back in to ParentVUE and navigating back to the Parent-Teacher Conference screen: