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NASU Native American Student Union

The SMHS NASU will be considered a multi-ethnic group comprised of Native students from different nations. In order to be fully recognized as a member of the South NASU, students will need to meet the criteria of the Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form for Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program (ED 506) The mission and purpose of the SMHS NASU is to emphasize the support of, the safety of, and the educational success of the Native American student community. The NASU organization seeks to treat all people fairly within the organization as well as within the school community. Diversity is respected within the Native community as well as within the general community.

NASU: Native American Student Union meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays during lunch in rm. A217 - Ms. LaQua's room.

For more information, please contact Ms. LaQua at (541)842-5398.