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Counseling Services

South Medford High School has both school and mental health counseling services available to all students. 

School Counseling

All South Medford High School students are assigned a School Counselor. Our counselors help students:

  • apply academic achievement strategies
  • manage emotions and apply interpersonal skills
  • plan for postsecondary options (higher education, military, workforce

Other duties our counselors provide:

  • individual student academic planning and goal setting
  • collaboration with families/teachers/administrators/community for student success
  • data analysis to identify student issues, needs, and challenge

For more information on what School Counselors do, please visit the American School Counselor Association's website

Students can request an appointment with their counselor in a number of ways:

  1. All of our counselors have their own Canvas page, and each student is connected to their counselor's Canvas page. Students can use this Canvas page to schedule an appointment with their counselor if there are appointment times available. 
  2. All of our counselors are available for walk-in appointments with students during lunch time. Students can enter the counselor hallway via the back door at the end of the lower A hallway (just past the Panther Future Center). If all counselors are off-site or unavailable during lunch due to meetings, etc., this will be posted at the front office as well as at the back door at the end of the lower A hallway. 
  3. Our Student Services team can assist with scheduling appointments. They can be reached at (541)842-3690 or by visiting the front office and heading to the Student Services counter (the counter on the right side of the office). 
  4. Our counselors can also be reached via email or phone.

Click here to visit our School Counseling page!

Mental Health Counseling

South Medford High School currently has 2 school-based mental health therapists on site, available for all students and families, at no cost. Our on-site therapists can provide both individual and group counseling sessions. Our team collaborates with school staff and community service providers to meet students' individualized social-emotional needs. 

Students can request an appointment with a mental health therapist by filling out an appointment request form in the main office. Forms are easily accessible to students and are put in a closed box by the student after completion. Our therapists routinely check the box for new requests in between appointments and at the beginning and end of the day. When a new request is made, a hall pass will be sent to the student's class, excusing the student to come to the main office for their appointment. 

Click here to visit our Mental Health Therapists page!