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Mental Health Therapists (Family Solutions)

Need Help? We are here for you!  

Uncertain times can create feelings that may be overwhelming or unmanageable. Family Solutions is here to help our community and students navigate these turbulent times! We strive to empower participants by guiding them through the process of identifying and implementing solutions to their problems using their inner strengths. Some common concerns therapists can address are self-esteem, feelings of distress, anger, grief, confusion, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, and depression.

We have highly educated and qualified school-based mental health therapists and support services for all students and their families in Medford middle and high schools at no cost to the student or family! Family Solutions is here year-round and we would be happy to continue to work with you! Mental health therapy is a healthy way to cope with stress and may lead to a more successful and happy life!

Our team collaborates with school staff and community service providers to meet students’ individualized social-emotional wellness needs. Therapists are traditionally located on-site in Medford schools. During physical distancing, additional therapy options are available.

About our services:
  • Individual and Group Counseling available
  • Services are free
  • Sessions generally occur for 2-3 months
Who is this service for? 
  • Services are available to all South Medford High School students who do not currently have an outside therapist and want support.
What is therapy like?
  • Students choose a goal to work towards with your therapist to process experiences, learn how to cope, and build confidence. 
How do I get started?
  • Self-referral slips are available in the front office. Students may stop by anytime outside of class to fill out a self-referral slip. Slips are then put in a box by the student, pending collection from one of our therapists. Our therapists check the referral box routinely throughout the day (before school, after school, and in between sessions with other students) and a hall pass will be sent to the student's class when the therapist is available to connect. Many times, students are able to be seen that day (provided the request is submitted early enough in the day and the student is in class to receive their hall pass).

Contact Info
  • Sandra Dillin (M/W/Fr.) and Jason Penn (Tu/Th): (541)842-5352