Exploring Careers
Need help discovering a potential career path? Plug into these resources to help you get started!
Use Rogue Careers to take career interest surveys, explore potential careers at a deeper level, and search for jobs!
Rogue Careers
Exploring Careers videos: Gain valuable insight into what these careers entail and discover some that are a good match for you!
Click here to view "Career One-Stop" videos
Free Career Interest surveys: Complete these quick surveys to help you find a career path!
Wondering what to do with your life? We've been there and are here to help. This is career exploration that begins with your interests.
Road Trip Nation
Get a peek into the everyday lives of people in the workforce!
TRIO Students use your login:
Username: First.Last
Password: TrioWorks
If you are not in TRiO and you would like access to this resource, email angel.garcia@medford.k12.or.us
If you are unsure of your career path, a personality tool can help. These tools include an online assessment of personality and work preferences (things that you can do, might like to do or actions that most fit them). The assessment will then provide career paths that align with your choices. Each career path offers specific occupations that can be explored (summaries and details for each occupation).
Traitify is a quick picture-based assessment providing feedback on personality traits, preferences, and possible career paths.
CIS: Find all resources for careers, programs, and scholarships here!
Oregon CIS Portal
Username: panthers
Password: smhs
Explore careers through keyword search; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or through the Interest Profiler, which offers personalized career suggestions based on your interests and level of work experience.
The Panther Future Center
Stacy Carle
College and Career Advisor, Aspire Coordinator, Early College/College Now, Scholarship Director
Angel Garcia
College and Career Advisor, TRiO Coordinator